Monday, July 27, 2009

Wilcommen! Bienvenue! Welcome!

Wilcommen! Bienvennue! Welcome!

I have spent the last week "blog hopping" looking for recipes designed for only one or two diners, and have found very little indeed. That is not to say the myriad of blogs out there were not assiduously mined of their comestible goodness. Rather i am faced with the daunting task of trying to downsize these delectable delights into something that wont leave me with a week's worth of leftovers crowding my mini fridge. You can only eat spaghetti so many times, no matter how good Nona's red sauce recipe is!

I could just suck it up and do the math to cut down regular sized recipes, but this usually results in something that just doesn't live up to the promise made by the list of ingredients. I am also frequently stymied by the need for a full sized oven or more than two elements. Sadly, my apartment was only equipped with two feet of free counter space after the toaster oven and hotplate took up residence, so it necessitates some creativity to tackle more than grilled cheese or pizza.

To come to the point.

Cooking for just yourself in a tiny kitchenette can be utterly defeating, especially when you have takeout menus pasted to the door! Never fear! Here you may find a variety of recipes that have been downsized, tested and even tweaked to make cooking small a big hit!